Categoria: Reconstrução Óssea
Autores: Duarte F., Ramos C., Veiga P., Câmara MI.
Referência: Sinus Augmentation and Simultaneous Implant Placement using One-Stage Sandwich Technique
Implants – The International Magazine of Oral Implantology 2021; 22(4):24-29
ISSN: 1868-3207
The posterior sector of the maxilla consists of an extremely thin facial lamina, with the underlying trabecular bone having a low mineral content. The loss of maxillary posterior teeth is a typical bone resorption pattern that implies a decrease in the bone width available at the expense of the labial plate.1 This is the explanation why the width in the posterior sector of the maxilla decreases at a faster rate compared to other regions.2 It should also be noted that the lack of vascularisation accelerates the phenomenon of bone resorption and initial Class D3 or D4 trabecular bone. Even if it decreases by 60%, however, the residual ridge is wide enough in the posterior maxilla for root-form implants. Progressive resorption shifts the alveolar crest towards the palate at the expense of bone width.3 The posterior maxilla continues to atrophy until the entire alveolus is ablated to basal bone. The vestibular cusp of definitive prosthetic rehabilitation must result from a balance between aesthetic requirements, biomechanical conditions, and bone availability in moderate to severe atrophic crests.4
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