Category: Oral Surgery

Autors: Duarte F., Salgado A., Fernandes J.

Reference: Rev Port Estomat Med Dent Cirurg Maxilofac 2003; 44(3):145-149
ISSN: 1646-2890

Abstract: Eagle syndrome is a rare entity, defined as an ossification of the styloid process, which is not commonly suspected in clinical practice. Symptoms were dull and persistent pharyngeal pain, dysphagia, and facial pain.
In addition to careful clinical examination, the use of plain radiographs, orthopantomograms or computer tomography scan has allowed accurate preoperative diagnosis of this syndrome. Surgical treatment has positively resolved the symptoms in the majority of the cases.


Peri – Implantite

A reabilitação da maxila edêntula extremamente atrófica comporta um grande desafio cirúrgico e protético, para os profissionais que se dedicam a esta área.


Categoria: Peri-implantiteAutores: Duarte F. e Ramos C.Referência: Jornal Dentistry (Fevereiro 2019, Ano 6 Nº59 18-22)Resumo: As doenças peri-implantares são definidas...