Categoria: Laser
Autores: Duarte F, Ramos C
Referência: Surgical treatment of oral leukoplakia using Er:YAG laser – Case report
JSPIR: Vol. 3, Issue 1, pages 24-27
Purpose: The aim of this report was to evaluate clinically, histologically and histomorphometrically a new highly porous porcine cancellous xenograft.
Case Report: This paper will present a case report of a 63-year-old male patient, caucasian, attended the Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery consultation at Clitrofa – Centro Médico, Dentário e Cirúrgico, in Trofa – Portugal, to evaluate a white lesion in the left jugal mucosa. The treatment plan was based on anatomopathological report indicative of leukoplakia. It was decided to carry out surgical treatment of the lesion using LightWalker® Er:YAG laser from Fotona. Local anaesthetic was infiltrated into the soft tissue surrounding the lesion (Lidocaine/ Epinephrine 20 mg/ml + 0.0125 mg/ml solution for injection EFG). The Er:YAG handpiece R16 was used, 3.6 J/cm2 Energy, 10 Hz Frequency, 13.8 W Power, LP Mode.
Conclusion: After a 12-month follow-up period, the patient is pain free and the lesion has no signs of recurrence. Er:YAG laser may be considered a successful treatment modality for oral leukoplakia.
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