Category: Implantologia

Autors: Duarte F., Ramos C.

Reference: Ser Saúde 2006; 1(1):120-127
ISSN: 1646-5229

Abstract: With the advent of dental implants, new oral rehabilitation alternatives have emerged for edentulous patients, promoting great advances in Dentistry. On the other hand, the concepts of life today require greater speed, predictability and comfort in treatments.
Immediate prosthetic rehabilitation after implant placement appears as an option to meet these needs, promoting the reduction of treatment time, avoiding a second surgical intervention and the use of a temporary removable prosthesis1,2,3,4.
Through the NobelGuide® concept, it is possible to determine the exact position of all implants before the surgical procedure is performed, to identify the relevant anatomical structures and to visualize the available bone quantity. In this way, and this is the great novelty of this system; The laboratory is allowed to produce a provisional or definitive prosthetic solution in advance of the surgical procedure.
The NobelGuide® concept utilizes a minimally invasive flapless surgical procedure, which significantly reduces post-operative pain and edema. With this procedure the number of visits of the patients to the clinic is reduced, as well as the time of chair.


Peri – Implantite

A reabilitação da maxila edêntula extremamente atrófica comporta um grande desafio cirúrgico e protético, para os profissionais que se dedicam a esta área.


Categoria: Peri-implantiteAutores: Duarte F. e Ramos C.Referência: Jornal Dentistry (Fevereiro 2019, Ano 6 Nº59 18-22)Resumo: As doenças peri-implantares são definidas...