Category: Implantolgy

Autors: Duarte F., Ramos C.

Reference: Temática 2007; 2:29-37
ISSN: 1646-0944

Abstract: Zygoma implants were originally conceded for a two stages protocol with a 6 months waiting period. Immediate-function Brånemark System® Implants have become an accepted alternative for fixed restorations in total edentulous patients, based on documented high success rates.
The purpose of this paper was to develop and document a different and effective surgical and prosthetic protocol for immediate function of four Zygoma Brånemark System® implants supporting fixed prostheses in completely edentulous patients: the “Quadrilex” concept.


Peri – Implantite

A reabilitação da maxila edêntula extremamente atrófica comporta um grande desafio cirúrgico e protético, para os profissionais que se dedicam a esta área.


Categoria: Peri-implantiteAutores: Duarte F. e Ramos C.Referência: Jornal Dentistry (Fevereiro 2019, Ano 6 Nº59 18-22)Resumo: As doenças peri-implantares são definidas...