Category: Oral Surgery
Autors: Duarte F., Figueiredo R., Ramos C., Esteves H., Salazar F., Martins M., Figueira F.
Reference: Separata Científica do HSO-SA 2005; 1(7):4-8
ISSN: 1645-0965
Abstract: Dental inclusions are not rare events in clinical practice, and have therefore been the target of numerous studies and scientific publications. There is a clinical tendency to consider only impaction of 3rd molars and canines, neglecting other dental pieces such as premolars. The inclusion of these teeth is relatively frequent, especially considering the lower 2nd premolar which, according to some authors, represents 24% of all inclusions (excluding 3rd molars). With regard to the etiology of this anomaly, numerous causes are mentioned in the literature, with particular attention being given to problems of lack of space in the arches and factors related to deciduous molars (mechanical obstacle formation). Regarding the treatment plan, it is indispensable to consider a multidisciplinary approach, involving several areas of Dental Medicine (Oral Surgery, Orthodontics and Prosthodontics). In this article the authors intend to approach this theme by documenting it with a clinical case in which the impacted teeth 3.4 and 3.5 were verified.
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