Categoria: Cirurgia Maxilofacial
Autores: Corte-Real JM., Duarte F., Santos RF., Golanó P.
Referência: Rev Port Estomat Med Dent Cirurg Maxilofac 2001; 42(3):101-104
ISSN: 1646-2890
Resumo: O suprimento vascular da articulação temporomandibular (ATM) ainda não está completamente compreendido. Um conjunto significativo de estudos têm indiretamente explorado as relações anatómicas da fossa infratemporal, através da descrição de técnicas para a remoção de tumores nessa área.
Treatment of maxillary inflammatory odontogenic cyst with laser therapy – Case report
Odontogenic cysts occur in the oral and maxillofacial region …
Surgical treatment of oral leukoplakia using Er:YAG laser – Case report
The aim of this report was to evaluate clinically, histologically and histomorphometrically …
Design and biomechanical comparison between classic and new-generation of zygomatic implants – Experimental study
The present experimental study aims to show the evolution of zygomatic implant …
Mandibular dentigeröz kist Enükleasyon ve kemik rekonstrüksiyonu
Dentigeröz ya da foliküler kist, gelişimsel odontojenik kistlerin en sık görülen tipidir. Tüm kistlerin %20’sini kapsayarak, …
Sinus Augmentation and Simultaneous Implant Placement using One-Stage Sandwich Technique
he posterior sector of the maxilla consists of an extremely thin facial lamina, with the underlying…
Sinusaugmentation und Implantatinsertion in Sandwich-Technik
Die Implantatbehandlung im Seitenzahnbereich des Oberkiefers stellt eine schwierige klinische Situation dar.
Sinusaugmentation und gleichzeitige Implantatinsertion in einzeitiger Sandwich-Technik
Die Implantatbehandlung im Seitenzahnbereich des Oberkiefers stellt eine schwierige klinische Situation dar.
Surgical approach combining implantoplasty and reconstructive therapy with locally delivered antibiotic in the treatment of peri-implantitis: A prospective clinical case series
Nonsurgical treatment, resective surgery, reconstructive surgery, or combined approaches have been proposed for the treatment …
Measurement of Occlusal Force in Orthognathic Surgery using Force Sensing Sensors
This study was designed to apply alternative and innovative methods of measuring muscle area, volume, structure …
Mandibuläre follikuläre – Zyste Enukleation und Knochenrekonstruktion
Bei einer Zyste handelt es sich um eine gutartige Läsion, die mit dem odontogenen Epithel der Zahnkrone eines nicht eruptierten Zahns assoziiert ist und durch die Abtrennung …