Category: Oral Surgery

Autors: Duarte F., Santos JD., Afonso A., Ramos C., Fernandes G.

Reference: STOMA 2004; 73:4-11
ISSN: 0870-4287

Abstract: The Caldwell-Luc operation was first described in the late 19th century as a technique to remove infection and diseased mucosa from the maxillary sinus via the canine fossa, while creating intranasal counter drainage through the inferior meatus. This operation has been performed countless times over the past century, but it has come under increased scrutiny within the past 20 years. This criticism is multifactorial. Medical management of allergic and infectious sinus disease has continued to improve, and endoscopic sinus surgery techniques have proven to be safe and effective in the vast majority of patients requiring surgical management.
Additionally, several retrospective studies have shown high complication rates with the operation. Recent studies have illustrated both the histological benefit of complete removal of diseased mucosa, as well as better patient outcomes with minimal morbidity when a safer operative technique is used. Overall, the Caldwell-Luc procedure is safe and effective as described, and should remain in the repertoire of surgeons managing the maxillary sinus.
A 61 year-old lady was referred to our out patient clinic with a two-month history of right-sided symptoms of nasal obstruction and facial pain. Her past medical history was unremarkable; she was not on any medication and was a non-smoker. After orthopantomogram and CT-Scan a foreign body was detected and a Caldwell-Luc procedure was performed. The foreign body was analysed under electronic microscopy. There were no post-operative complications; the patient went on to make an uneventful recovery with no sign of recurrence one year post-operatively.


Supernumerary Teeth

Supernumerary teeth (or hyperdontia), though relatively rare, may be the cause of several dental and oclusal disturbs, mainly in the permanent dentition…

Excelência Clínica em Implantodontia – Capítulo 13

A reabilitação da função orofacial de pacientes parcial e totalmente edêntulos, antes do advento do conceito da osseointegração, era efetuada com próteses removíveis. Em 1965, foram usados pela primeira vez implantes osseointegráveis para tratar pacientes edêntulos.
As técnicas de osseointegração para reabilitação maxilar são mais complexas que as de reabilitação mandibular, devido à proximidade das cavidades nasais e seios maxilares, ao grau de reabsorção óssea maxilar (em particular na região posterior por exodontias precoces, pneumatização dos seios maxilares) e à qualidade do osso maxilar, mais vascularizado e menos denso que o osso mandibular.1 Os pacientes com disponibilidade óssea maxilar adequada são excepções, a maioria apresenta graus de atrofia diferentes que obrigam ao recurso de técnicas alternativas de uso do osso existente (p. ex., implante pterigoide), recurso de enxertos ósseos autógenos ou aloplásticos (p. ex., enxertos ósseos onlay na maxila, enxertos ósseos do seio maxilar) ou técnicas osseogênicas de distracção (p. ex., fratura maxilar Le Fort I).