by clitrofa | Abr 4, 2017 | Research
Category: Research Autors: Duarte F., Santos JD., Afonso A. Reference: Mater Sci Forum 2004; 455-456:370-373 ISSN: 1662-9752 Abstract: Bonelike is synthetic bone graft designed to mimic the inorganic composition of new bone using a patent process that consists of...
by clitrofa | Abr 4, 2017 | Oral Surgery
Category: Oral Surgery Autors: Duarte F., Ramos C., Martins M., Queirós L., Figueira F. Reference: Rev Port Estomat Med Dent Cirurg Maxilofac 2003; 44(1):11-15 ISSN: 1646-2890 Abstract: Platelet-rich plasma has been used as a vehicle for growing factors potentially...
by clitrofa | Abr 4, 2017 | Implantology
Category: Implantologia Autors: Duarte F., Ramos C. Reference: Ser Saúde 2006; 1(1):120-127 ISSN: 1646-5229 Abstract: With the advent of dental implants, new oral rehabilitation alternatives have emerged for edentulous patients, promoting great advances in Dentistry....
by clitrofa | Abr 4, 2017 | Implantology
Category: Implantology Autors: Duarte F., Ramos C., Oliveira R. Reference: STOMA 2004; 71:4-11 ISSN: 0870-4287 Abstract: An osseointegrated implant can be advantageous for dental reconstruction and masticatory rehabilitation. For treatment of the severely resorbed...
by clitrofa | Abr 4, 2017 | Implantology
Category: Implantolgy Autors: Duarte F., Ramos C. Reference: Temática 2007; 2:29-37 ISSN: 1646-0944 Abstract: Zygoma implants were originally conceded for a two stages protocol with a 6 months waiting period. Immediate-function Brånemark System® Implants have become...