Category: Maxillofacial Surgery
Autors: Corte-Real JM., Duarte F., Santos RF., Golanó P.
Reference: Rev Port Estomat Med Dent Cirurg Maxilofac 2001; 42(3):101-104
ISSN: 1646-2890
Abstract: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) vascular supply is not yet completely understood. A number of studies have indirectly explored the anatomic relationships of the infratemporal fossa by describing techniques for resection of infratemporal tumors.
The dissection has been very successfully applied in several parts of the human body, but very little in the TMJ area. On the other hand the angiography is a well known method, with very promising results in the study of this articulation.
The authors propose an approach through the injection of coloured latex and a dissection technique to show the importance of the vascular supply in the TMJ posterior area.
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