Category: Maxillofacial Surgery

Autors: Duarte F., Hyde N., Hopper C., Harris M.

Reference: STOMA 2003; 66(1):25-32
ISSN: 0870-4287

Abstract: This pilot-study evaluated a population of 24 patients with fractures of the mandibular angle as they present or were referred for treatment at the Maxillofacial Unit at University College London Hospitals. There were 4 females and 20 males with an age range of 16-39 years.
The patients were randomised into one of two treatment groups, these were internal fixation using either the transoral or transbuccal approaches, both of which are acceptable forms of treatment. The osteosynthesis miniplate system used was the Leibinger system which uses 2 mm titanium miniplates.
14 patients were treated via the transbuccal approach and 10 patients with the transoral approach.
Patients were reviewed at fortnightly intervals for the first month, then at 3 months following surgery and then as required.
Post-operative radiographs consisting of an orthopantomogram and postero-anterior (PA) mandible were taken immediately post-operative, and again at 3 months.
A non-parametric test to evaluate the groups for each of the outcome variables was used.
Whilst not statistically significant, there appears to be a trend, towards a lower complication rate for the transbuccal approach.

Supernumerary Teeth

Supernumerary teeth (or hyperdontia), though relatively rare, may be the cause of several dental and oclusal disturbs, mainly in the permanent dentition…

Excelência Clínica em Implantodontia – Capítulo 13

A reabilitação da função orofacial de pacientes parcial e totalmente edêntulos, antes do advento do conceito da osseointegração, era efetuada com próteses removíveis. Em 1965, foram usados pela primeira vez implantes osseointegráveis para tratar pacientes edêntulos.
As técnicas de osseointegração para reabilitação maxilar são mais complexas que as de reabilitação mandibular, devido à proximidade das cavidades nasais e seios maxilares, ao grau de reabsorção óssea maxilar (em particular na região posterior por exodontias precoces, pneumatização dos seios maxilares) e à qualidade do osso maxilar, mais vascularizado e menos denso que o osso mandibular.1 Os pacientes com disponibilidade óssea maxilar adequada são excepções, a maioria apresenta graus de atrofia diferentes que obrigam ao recurso de técnicas alternativas de uso do osso existente (p. ex., implante pterigoide), recurso de enxertos ósseos autógenos ou aloplásticos (p. ex., enxertos ósseos onlay na maxila, enxertos ósseos do seio maxilar) ou técnicas osseogênicas de distracção (p. ex., fratura maxilar Le Fort I).